Best Vegan Matcha Latte

Matcha lattes, you guys. Vegan matcha lattes. Naturally sweetened vegan matcha lattes. Things are getting very hipster over here today and I’m very into it. Let’s matcha! I’ve been on and off the caffeine train many times over the last decade.

Source: Best Vegan Matcha Latte

Indonesian Dessert: Kolak

Indonesians love everything with coconut milk. They use it to make soups, stews, snacks and of course desserts. One of the easiest Indonesian coconut milk dessert is called kolak. It is creamy and sweet and best to eat it while it’s still warm.

There are a lot of varieties of kolak: sweet plantain (my favorite), cassava, jackfruit, taro, sweet potato. But all of them are using the same coconut milk soup recipe. Since sweet plantain is my favorite, I asked my mum for recipe. It was a long process.. but I got the recipe. YAY!!!!


Continue reading “Indonesian Dessert: Kolak”

Deep fried tempeh

As you probably know by now that i don’t cook. I ask my mum, who still lives in Jakarta, via Whatsap for recipes. When I asked my mum for this tempeh recipe, this was her replied: flour, garlic, shallots and water as needed. Then I explained to her the recipe is for blog, and she needs to give the right measurements. She’s so cute.

Continue reading “Deep fried tempeh”

Wedang Jahe

Wedang jahe is a traditional Indonesian drink made with palm sugar, ginger and clove. In my opinion, this herbal concoction is the best ginger drink. Ever. It is better to drink wedang jahe while it is hot especially during cold winter months, or whenever I have colds and flu.

In a few blogs ago I mentioned that I don’t cook at all. How do I know the recipe? Well… it’s simple. I called my mum (who lives in Jakarta), asked her for the recipe and took pictures of the finish product. it’s a very tedious process.


700 mL water

100 gram palm sugar

50  gram ginger, crushed

10 gram cinnamon

5 cloves

2 cardamom pods (my mum uses white cardamom)


  1. Fill a pot with water
  2. Add crushed ginger, cinnamon, cloves and cardamoms
  3. Place the pot over high heat and bring to boil
  4. Bring the heat into low for 30 minute
  5. Add palm sugar
  6. Turn off the heat after the palm sugar is melted

To Cook or Not to Cook

When people see I always buy my meals, they ask me if I can’t cook. My answer is I can cook but I don’t like to cook. I choose not to cook. I realize it is expensive to buy most of meals especially when I live in NYC. I said “most of the meals” because I sometime went to dinner at my sister place, which lives only 10 minutes walk from my place.

I live in an apartment in Queens with a decent size of kitchen. Lots of kitchen cabinets to store dry ingredients, big counter space to prepare foods and I even have a dishwasher. It’s not lack of kitchen space that make me not to like cooking but it’s the time spent. For me,  cooking process starts at researching recipes (online, books, etc) and ends at storing the left overs.

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I apologize for the geek on me by illustrating a cooking process map. I’m a trained Lean Six Sigma (that should explained, or not). As a customer, which is me, as for today the whole Continue reading “To Cook or Not to Cook”